Advisory Board of Directors
The Torch Missions advisory board of directors oversees all Torch Missions trips. Their primary responsibility is to create mission policy and to implement the rules, policies, and guidelines that it sets forth. The board is dedicated to insure that all Torch trips are safe and that each group or team leader follows proper guidelines. These guidelines are in place to protect the integrity of the Torch Missions name and to make sure that all teams wearing the Torch name represent the organization in a sound and scriptural manner.
Brian Steffy
Brian Steffy was selected to serve on the advisory board of directors in 2004. Brian has been actively involved with Torch Missions since 1999 and is a Torch Missions recruiter for the northeast. Brian is an elder of the Kittanning Church of Christ, about 45 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and is a civil engineer by trade, working for PDOT (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation). Brian is a team leader and has been on Torch trips to both Honduras and Brazil. Besides recruiting, Brian has been on several of the scouting trips looking for new places for Torch Missions teams to work.